Vibrational Release Technique (“Buffing”)


 The Vibrational Release Technique is the most efficient means we’ve ever experienced for moving energy and opening the body.  We call it Vibrational Release because we use vibrators (or, self “tapping”) to really get energy moving.  You can do this process to yourself.  It is even more effective if the process is facilitated by someone you trust. 

These vibrational techniques are the best we’ve seen at releasing stored stresses from the body and recalibrating the body to the lower, more open frequencies.  The process is about letting go, surrendering to the movement of energy, sensation, and emotion through your body and mind.

Here is a detailed description of the self-vibrating technique so that you can begin to use it regularly to enhance your stillness practices.

Equipment.  You will need a good vibrator.  Most massagers don’t have a big enough movement to be effective.  So, we recommend, and use in our in-person retreats, orbital buffers made for waxing automobiles.  They are both powerful and relatively inexpensive.   The use of these auto buffers is how this technique got its nickname – “buffing.” 

The most manageable buffer sizes are the convenient 6” size and the more powerful 8-9” size.  Both work well.   The smaller one is easiest to handle.  The larger one is more powerful and provides the deepest vibration.   These orbital buffers are readily available at Home Depot and run from $29 up.  The more expensive ones are smoother, but the inexpensive ones work just fine.  Be sure that your orbital buffer has a switch that will stay “on” without your having to hold it on.

To your auto buffer you should add two items for comfort –
1) Cushioning over the buffer pad.  For the cushioning, we like the lambswool covers made for the auto buffers with a terry cloth cover over the lambswool.  Terry cloth covers are easy to wash.

2) A rheostat to slow the speed of the buffer.  The simplest rheostat to use is a standard lamp dimmer – one in which the lamp (or, in this case, buffer) plugs into the dimmer switch and the cord on the dimmer plugs into the wall outlet.  It is also called a “tabletop lamp dimmer” and is sold in the lighting department.  We like the kind with the sliding knob to adjust the speed. 

Get at least a 300-watt dimmer switch — about $12 at Home Depot.   We prefer a 500-watt dimmer which are hard to locate; we have them for sale at $20 plus tax.  Just email us if you’d like one of these.

Other equipment you will need:
1) Extension cord.  You need plenty of room to maneuver the buffer.
2) Pillow case.  This is our easy solution to buffing head — just cover your head with a pillow case.  Most hair will tangle unless it is very short.  Do not risk your hair knotting or, worse, becoming tangled in the buffer motor.

Set-Up.  The environment must be safe and comfortable so that you can let go completely.  Always do the buffing technique sitting down.  A large, upholstered arm chair is ok.  Sitting on the floor or bed, with pillows around you, is ideal.  You want to be certain that if, during the technique, you slump over in a sleep-like state, you will not hit your head on anything.

Take off any jewelry that you are wearing (especially dangling earrings or necklaces) that can get broken, tangled in the buffer, or pressed into your skin. 

Next, secure your hair so that when you add vibration to your shoulders and head, your hair doesn’t get caught in the vibrator nor tangled (the buffer does tend to knot hair badly).  For vibrating your head we suggest a standard pillowcase pulled over the head.

Finally, adjust the speed of your buffer so that it feels stimulating but not irritating.

Procedure.  Divide your body into sections to apply the vibration systematically and to build progressively the flow of energy through the entire body.  We like to move the energy from the bottom of the body to the top.  So, sections might be:  1) legs,  2) hips/belly/sides, 3) chest/shoulders/arms, and 4) head. 

There is no magic as to which sections to do or in what order, however.  Just make sure that you cover as much of your body as you can reach during the session.

Apply the vibration to each section while doing Energy Breathing (see description below).  Each section should be vibrated thoroughly.  Generally, the more time you spend breathing and vibrating, the more energy will move.  We suggest taking about 15 – 35 breaths to each section.  You should complete a section (or slow down your breathing) if you get light-headed or feel your face flush.  Don’t overdo each section.  The process is designed to progressively build energy over the entire session.

In between each section of vibration, turn off the vibrator and put it down (away from your body), take three BIG breaths, and hold your breath.  In between sections, hold your breath for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, as comfortable.  You will be able to hold longer as you complete more sections.  Don’t wait too long to begin vibrating the next section.  While holding your breath we suggest you lean back slightly, opening your chest.

After the last section, hold your breath as long as you want.  With the breath holding, feel the energy that has been building during the vibrating, begin to expand, opening your body, expanding your sense of your body, calming you.

Energy Breathing.  Deep and continuous, Energy Breathing is designed to stimulate and move chi (life force) through the body.  It is not relaxation or belly breathing.  When doing Energy Breathing, the chest rises and falls.  There is a long inhale (for instance, to a count of four) and then the breath falls out at once (Note: do not BLOW out).  There is little or no pause after the exhale before the next inhale begins.  Energy Breathing works best when it is pleasureful and not forced.  You can experiment with the speed of the breath:  faster is often more stimulating but can become “work”.  Remember, working at something is not letting go.  The purpose of Vibrational Release is to let go.

Also, we are not trying to hyperventilate.  If you begin to hyperventilate, slow your breathing a bit.  Energy breathing with vibration is designed to build and move chi, fill our cells with oxygen, move toxins out of the cells, and move stagnant or stuck energy. 

Experiences You May Have During Vibrating and Breathing.  There are many possible experiences that people have during this exercise.  Some of them are: 

  • Nothing much happens; you just feel energized.
  • You experience tingling in parts of the body.
  • You see visions or light.
  • Your body shakes or vibrates gently, as if energy was moving through it.
  • Emotions such as tears, laughter, anger, fear may arise.  If this happens, keep breathing, allowing your body to relax under the emotion. Tensing up prevents you from getting under the emotion and following a story locks it into place.  Stay with the process and not the story.
  • You may suddenly go to sleep for a few seconds.  We call this state “paraconscious”.  As you come back from this state you may not know – temporarily — who you are or where you are, as if you were awakened from a deep sleep.  Watch as your patterns and identity click back in.  Going paraconscious is an excellent, deep clearing of stress but there is no need to seek it.  Some people go easily into paraconscious and others seldom go into it.

As long as you are gentle with yourself, all experiences during this exercise are normal and just what you need in the moment for letting go. 


  • Buffing the body should not hurt.  If anything hurts, stop doing it and/or find another way to do it so that it doesn’t hurt.
  • Always sit down in a safe environment.  Standing up is dangerous as you may go paraconscious.  For the same reason, do not do this exercise while driving (even if you are stopped at a light) or operating machinery!
  • Always secure the hair and clothing so that they do not become tangled in the buffer.
  • Buffing increases circulation.  We suggest, therefore, that people taking blood thinners (like Coumadin) should not buff themselves on the head, just to make sure that increasing the circulation doesn’t overstress the blood vessels in the brain.  

What is different with facilitated vibrational release?
The facilitator’s role is more than to apply the vibration.  It is to offer love without opinion or agenda; to allow the recipient to relax completely, knowing that he/she is well taken care of and safe; and to relax themselves.  Facilitating the Vibrational Release Technique for another person is an excellent way for you to let go and open.  There is nothing for the facilitator to do but love through service.
If you have questions or concerns about Vibrational Release, or the equipment for it, please call Cynthia at 936-435-1329.