The Source Collaborative

Living from Source and in the world … together … effectively.

The Source CollaborativeTM is a group of sole-proprietor collaborators offering uniquely-effective consulting, training, coaching,
workshops, bodywork, and energy work.

We are here to assist you along the path of spirituality and/or leadership.
Nila Velchoff is the primary organizer of The Collaborative.

All of the collaborators have various levels of training
in the “Language of Being” and are incorporating this new work
into their own services to deepen their work with clients and participants.

Together, we are bringing forth a new genre of work — the “what’s next” after personal growth, spiritual, and transformational work.
We affectionately refer to this genre as “the Work of Unfoldment™.”

Stillness. Effectiveness. Aliveness!

Imagine living in the deliciousness of head, heart and soul merged


Nila VelchoffNila Velchoff is a consultant, coach, and workshop facilitator in the “Language of Being,” a linguistic technology for effective living . . .
living from profound peace and groundedness, while being fully engaged in the world.

Nila has extensive training in Ontological Mastership (the study of Being) and has led over 100 workshops and courses. She has also trained in, facilitated, and studied numerous other transformational and spiritual bodies of work.

Nila is bringing forth a new life after the loss in 2013 of her only child, Seth, with the simultaneous loss of home, job and community. Applying the distinctions of the Language of Being has helped her graciously and lovingly navigate through these very serious losses.

In raising her special-needs child, Nila experienced a level of devotion
and Absolute Love that she now brings to her work and her mission.

Nila’s work with The Source Collaborative is her calling in life.