Patty Shull speaks about her personal journey and the impact of Conscious Language in her life….

After co-founding what became At Ease Technologies in 2001, I found my bliss inside of me and inside of everyone around me.

Stillness and surrender took me to deep, secure places of communion with my God.  I felt as if Cynthia, Robert and I had given birth to a shortcut to awakening.  We were clearly pioneering a new technology.

Two years later, the realities of having a new born baby, sleepless nights nursing, working and body changes left me bouncing between two distinct worlds.  My inner sanctuary of stillness and an outer world of high activity and a family to care for.  My solution was to ask my husband to leave Houston and retreat to the mountains. After all, I could fly to work like other consultants and hire child care. My loving husband agreed and our new adventure began. ( I later learned, living in nature, away from people, is very common among Masters). 


Patty Shull and her daughter, Mia

I found my heaven on earth in Pagosa Springs.  Waterfalls, hot mineral springs, clearwater rivers and a town where “neighborliness” was the norm.  With two other moms, a Naturapath and Real Estate Auctioneer,  I founded a Waldorf school for our children, in a farm house near a horse ranch.  

I was loving my family and my environment.  I was set . . . I thought.

But each time I returned to city life and engaged in my world of management consulting, I felt pressure all around me. Doing, doing, doing was the expectation.  I had woken up to my Beingness – which produces results very differently from what was the norm in culture.

As a workshop leader, change facilitator and executive coach, I worked closely with people.  I loved my work, but my body didn’t.  I became ill with adrenal exhaustion.  I tried all kinds of solutions to maintain my health, only to find them partially satisfactory.

Then came my breakthrough. I noticed in my stillness, my language naturally focused on the present moment.  Past and future didn’t exist in my speaking.  Thoughts and words that naturally arose from my stillness were very different from culture’s day-to-day conversations.

Then I noticed the relationship between ego-based speaking (What about me?) and Being-based speaking (What possibility is present now?)  I explored dualistic language as compared to the still language of my heart.  I learned my speaking could deepen my stillness or take me right into duality and separateness.

In April of 2010, I met a Mastery level linguistics teacher named Bob Stevens.  Bob had been studying conscious language for 40 years.  He certified me in his work and I became a Language of Mastery workshop leader and outcome facilitator.   I’ve trained hundreds of people since then to speak from stillness and enjoyed watching them produce new results fast.

Our words reveal our inner journey of life.  The more conscious we become of our speaking, the more consciousness itself becomes aware of what we are manifesting moment to moment. Once you wake up to your sovereignty over your thinking and speaking, you set yourself apart from the unconsciousness of culture.  People will notice you speak and act differently and want  to follow you. You model for your outer world the presence of presence itself. 

Join Cynthia and me to discover a whole new level of being in our world.  It’s as easy as feeling and listening to yourself, moment to moment, and then choosing your highest outcome again and again.