Equipment for Vibration Release (aka “Buffing“)

Vibration Release  is the most efficient means we’ve ever experienced for moving energy and opening the body.  We call it Vibration Release because we use vibrators (or, self “tapping”) to really get energy moving.  You can do this process to yourself.  It is even more effective if the process is facilitated by someone you trust. 

These vibrational techniques are the best we’ve seen at releasing stored stresses from the body and recalibrating the body to the lower, more open frequencies.  The process is about letting go, surrendering to the movement of energy, sensation, and emotion through your body and mind.

Here is a description of the equipment you will need for this process.

Equipment.  You will need a good vibrator.  Most massagers don’t have a big enough movement to be effective.  So, we recommend, and use in our in-person retreats, orbital buffers made for waxing automobiles.  They are both powerful and relatively inexpensive.   The use of these auto buffers is how this technique got its nickname – “buffing.” 

The most manageable buffer sizes are the convenient 6” size and the more powerful 8-9” size.  Both work well.   The smaller one is easiest to handle.  The larger one is more powerful and provides the deepest vibration.   These orbital buffers are readily available at Home Depot and run from $29 up.  The more expensive ones are smoother, but the inexpensive ones work just fine.  Be sure that your orbital buffer has a switch that will stay “on” without your having to hold it on.

To your auto buffer you should add two items for comfort –
1) Cushioning over the buffer pad.  For the cushioning, we like the lambswool covers made for the auto buffers with a terry cloth cover over the lambswool.  Terry cloth covers are easy to wash.

2) A rheostat to slow the speed of the buffer.  The simplest rheostat to use is a standard lamp dimmer – one in which the lamp (or, in this case, buffer) plugs into the dimmer switch and the cord on the dimmer plugs into the wall outlet.  It is also called a “tabletop lamp dimmer” and is sold in the lighting department.  We like the kind with the sliding knob to adjust the speed. 

Get at least a 300-watt dimmer switch — about $12 at Home Depot.   We prefer a 500-watt dimmer which are hard to locate; we have them for sale at $20 plus tax.  Just email us if you’d like one of these.

Other equipment you will need:
1) Extension cord.  You need plenty of room to maneuver the buffer.
2) Pillow case.  This is our easy solution to buffing head — just cover your head with a pillow case.  Most hair will tangle unless it is very short.  Do not risk your hair knotting or, worse, becoming tangled in the buffer motor.

At the retreat we will teach you how to deliver and to receive Vibration Release.  In the meantime, call me if you have any questions or concerns.  936-435-1329